Saturday, September 6, 2008

Clean, Green, Driving Machines!

Well, given the incredible amount of press "green technology" is receiving, I decided it's about time I started bookmarking some sites to see what's actually out there. After all, news articles, even from respected publications, can only tell you so much. I firmly believe that the news is no substitute for think tank policy briefings, academic journals, and scholarly books. Of these sources, the first are typically free and readily available. They also tend to be more recent and provide plenty of statistics - though academics tend to be better about in-depth analysis and careful, narrow interpretation of statistics.

In any case - I found a decent site on new car technology, called the Green Car Journal - main website is here: The website doesn't have the best layout, but it does have a fair amount of information on different types of automobile technology and op-eds. It's not just PR for the auto companies, either - some of the experts are from places like Sierra Club, Oceans Futures, and Natural Resource Defense Council, among others.

Some interesting sub-pages include: (1) expert opinions, (2) Reviews of specific cars, (3) Historical perspectives on clean energy advancement, and (4) Directory of environmental auto manufacturers and organizations.

I haven't had a chance to check it all out, but so far it looks promising. Anyone interested in the topic would do well to take a look.

Later posts in this "miniseries" may include different think tanks approaches to environmental economics and foreign policy initiatives.