Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shadow Summit to G20 this weekend!

November 14-16 2008
Forum will be held November 15th at Luther Place, 1226 Vermont Ave NW
People's Summit Against the G20

While George W. Bush hosts a meeting to promote flawed top-down ideology, IPS and friends invite you to a summit for "the rest of us."

We know the global financial crisis cannot be fixed by those who created it. Join us this weekend for the People's Summit to demand new ideas, people over profit, and democratic control over resources.Nine events are planned for the summit this weekend. For the full schedule of events, please visit Global Justice Action. The weekend's activities will culminate in a People's Forum on Saturday, November 15 and will include:

* An introduction to the financial crisis and its foundation in global capitalism
* Breakout groups, with experts, to further explore energy, the housing crisis, and other factors that contributed to the financial crisis
* A fishbowl discussion on alternatives to capitalism, exploring local, national and global models
* A movement discussion and networking opportunities

The closing panel on international perspectives will feature:

* Martin Khor, Director of the Third World Network, and board member of the International Forum on Globalization
* Njoki Njehu, long-time Director of the Fifty Years is Enough Network
* Lidy Nacpil, Filipina activist and long-time leader of Jubilee South
* Moderator: John Cavanagh, Director, Institute for Policy Studies

Read the Global Call to learn more about the People's Forum and add your voice to those calling for a new, democratized economic system.

Sponsors: Bank Information Center, Casa de Maryland, Global Justice Action, International Forum on Globalization, Institute for Policy Studies, Jobs with Justice, Students for a Democratic Society, US Action, and the Washington Peace Center